Analytical Insights, LLC was created in the Fall of 2013. It is based in beautiful Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but can provide services to any area.
In January 2015, Analytical Insights was granted National Women’s Business Enterprise Certification from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). Additionally, WBENC certified Analytical Insights as a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) in January 2018. WBENC was founded in 1997, and is the largest third-party certifier of businesses owned, controlled, and operated by women in the United States (http://www.wbenc.org/). The WBENC certification standard is the most relied upon certification of women-owned businesses.
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About the President
Analytical Insight’s President, Colleen Vrbin, has an extensive research background spanning many disciplines over the last nineteen years. She has co-authored fifteen peer-reviewed journal manuscripts that demonstrate skilled analysis and scientific write-up. Colleen has also contributed other styles of write-ups, including targeted reports about health conditions as well as a book compiled of success stories of various healthcare facilities’ patient safety efforts. In addition, Colleen served as a newsletter editor for both the Society for Medical Decision Making, as well as CHART Institute, a Patient Safety Organization. In the academic setting, Colleen’s analytical work with a dynamic simulation game and corresponding write-up earned an invitation to present the findings at a human-computer interaction symposium in Austria. More recently, Ms. Vrbin has studied advertising effectiveness and monitored overall brand health of the Pennsylvania Lottery.
Feinstein KW, Elster S, Vrbin CM, eds. Moving Beyond Repair: Perfecting Health Care. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative and Jewish Healthcare Foundation; 2012.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Vrbin CM. Recommendations for reporting measures of diagnostic accuracy. Cytopathol. 2023; 34(3); 185-190.
- Vrbin CM. Parametric or Nonparametric Statistical Tests: Considerations when Choosing the Most Appropriate Option for your Data. Cytopathol. 2022; 33(6): 663-667.
- Vrbin CM. Recommendations for reporting statistical results when comparing proportions. Cytopathol. 2022; 33(3): 301-304.
- Vrbin CM. Opportunity to elevate the quality of data reporting in Cytopathology. Cytopathol. 2022; 33(2): 161-165.
- Thrall MJ, Vrbin C, Barkan GA, Monaco SE, Pambuccian SE, Pantanowitz L, Pitman MB, Kurtycz DFI. Small core needle biopsies in cytology practice: a survey of members of the American Society of Cytopathology. Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology, 2020; 9(5): 310-321.
- Dwyer J, Pantanowitz L, Ohori NP, Pai RK, Vrbin C, Brand RE, Monaco SE. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNA and ProCore biopsy in sampling pancreatic and intra-abdominal masses. Cancer Cytopathol, 2016;124(2): 110-121
- Meier FA, Zarbo RJ, Varney RC, Bonsal M, Schultz DS, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. Amended reports: development and validation of a taxonomy of defects. Am J Clin Pathol, 2008: 130(2): 238-246
- Raab SS, Andrew-JaJa C, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Chesin CM, Fisch JM, Dabbs DJ, Sommer DL, Blaser SM. Dissemination of Lean Methods to Improve Pap Testing Quality and Patient Safety. J Low Genit Tract Dis, 2008; 12(2): 103-110
- Calhoun BC, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM. The Use of Standardized Patients in the Training and Evaluation of Physician Assistant Students. J Physician Assist Educ, 2008; 19(1): 18-23
- Geisinger KR, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM, Wagner P, Garvin AJ, Raab SS. Interobserver Variability in Human Papilloma Virus Test Results in Cervicovaginal Cytology Specimens Interpreted as Atypical Squamous Cells. Am J Clin Pathol, 2007; 128: 1010-1014
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Zarbo RJ, Jensen C, Geyer SJ, Janosky JE, Meier FA, Vrbin CM, Carter G, Geisinger KR. Frequency and Outcome of Cervical Cancer Prevention Failures in the United States. Am J Clin Pathol, 2007; 128: 817-824
- Gonzalez C, Vrbin C. Dynamic Simulation of Medical Diagnosis: Learning in the Medical Decision Making and Learning Environment MEDIC. USAB 2007: 289-302
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Geisinger KR. Urine Cytology Discrepancies: Frequency, Causes, and Outcomes. Am J Clin Pathol, 2007; 127: 946-953
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Sudilovsky D, Balassanian R, Janosky JE, Vrbin CM. Effectiveness of Toyota Process Redesign in Reducing Thyroid Gland Fine-Needle Aspiration Error. Am J Clin Pathol. 2006; 126: 585-592
- Raab SS, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM, Sudilovsky D, Balassanian R, Zarbo RJ, Meier FA. Errors in Thyroid Gland Fine-Needle Aspiration. Am J Clin Pathol. 2006; 125: 873-882
- Raab SS, Stone CH, Jensen CS, Zarbo RJ, Meier FA, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Ohori NP, Dahmoush L. Double Slide Viewing as a Cytology Quality Improvement Initiative. Am J Clin Pathol 2006; 125: 526-533
- Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM, Zaleski MS, Raab SS. Variability in Cytologic-Histologic Correlation Practices and Implications for Patient Safety. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2005; 129 (7): 893-898
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Reilly TL, Zarbo RJ, Raab SS. Use of Physician Extenders in Surgical Pathology Practice. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2004; 128(2):165-172
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM. Pathology Resident Attitudes and Opinions About Pathologists’ Assistants. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2003; 127(6):666-672
Non Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Vielh, P, Vrbin CM. Introducing an educational series about statistical reporting. Cytopathol. 2022; 33(3): 292.
- Elster S, Vrbin C, Hazon S. Data-Guided Hot Spotting: Characterizing Frequently Admitted Patients. PRHI Readmission Brief. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, May 2014.
- Elster S, Vrbin C, Glad J, Cynn P. Using Hospital Admission and Readmission Patterns to Improve Outreach to Persons Living with HIV/AIDS in Pennsylvania: July 1, 2010-September 30, 2012. Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative. February 2014.
- Kanel K, Elster SE, Vrbin C, Hazon S. Readmissions: Patterns Among HIV-Positive Patients in Southwestern Pennsylvania (April 2012 Update). PRHI Readmission Briefs. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, April 2012. www.prhi.org
- Kanel K, Elster SE, Vrbin C. Readmissions: COPD. PRHI Readmission Briefs. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, December 2011. www.prhi.org
- Kanel K, Elster SE, Vrbin C. Readmissions: Patterns Among HIV-Positive Patients in Southwestern Pennsylvania. PRHI Readmission Briefs. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, July 2010. www.prhi.org
- Kanel K, Elster SE, Vrbin C. Readmissions: Overview of Six Target Chronic Diseases. PRHI Readmission Briefs. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, March 2010. www.prhi.org
- Grunden N, Vrbin C. Recognizing Healthcare Team Excellence at the Front Line; 2008 Top 10 Fine Award Finalists. Branches. Pittsburgh: Jewish Healthcare Foundation, June 2009.
Published Abstracts
- Vrbin CM, Andrew-JaJa C, Grzybicki DM, Condel JL, Carter G, Raab SS. Dissemination of Toyota Methods to Improve Quality and Patient Safety in Pap Testing. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 377
- Geisinger KR, Vrbin CM, Wagner P, Grzybicki DM, Garvin AJ, Raab SS. Interobserver Variability (IOV) in HPV Test Results in Pap Tests Interpreted as Atypical Squamous Cells (ASC). Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 302
- Parwani AV, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Types of Frozen Section Errors and Deferral Rates in a Sub-Specialty Based Academic Surgical Pathologic Practice. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 1569
- Parwani AV, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Dhir R. Prospective Peer Review of Diagnostic Prostate Biopsies as a Tool for Error Reduction in a Sub-Specialty Based Practice. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 767
- Balassanian R, Dhir R, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Parwani AV. Utility of UroVysion in the Setting of Atypical Urine Cytology. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 272
- Meier FA, Varney RC, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Zarbo RJ. Inter-Institutional Agreement in the Application of a Taxonomy Classifying Two Types of Pathology Error. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 1566
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Geisinger KR. Impact of Urine Cytology Errors on Patient Care. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 348
- LeMaster CL, Dahmoush L, Zaleski MS, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Jensen CS. The Impact of Endocervical Cytologic Sampling (Endopap) on Cytologic-Histologic Correlation (CHC) Error Rates. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 937
- Dhir R, Parwani AV, Balassanian R, Bastacky S, Hrebinko R, Franks M, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Comparison of UroVysion Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) and Conventional Cytology in Evaluation for Recurrent Bladder Cancer. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 645
- Dhir R, Parwani AV, Balassanian R, Bastacky S, Hrebinko R, Franks M, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Role of UroVysion Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) in the Evaluation of Atypical Urine Cytology from Patients Under Surveillance for Recurrent Bladder Cancer. Mod Pathol 2007; 20: 646
- Balassanian R, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Pathology Errors Detected Through Clinical-Pathologic Conferences. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2006; 130(9):1401
- Raab SS, Stone CH, Jensen CS, Zarbo RJ, Meier F, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Dahmoush L. Double Slide Viewing as a Quality Improvement Initiative. Mod Pathol 2006; 19: 323A
- Condel JL, Andrew-JaJa C, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin-Turcsanyi CM, Mauser NA, Raab SS. Improving the Pap Test by Using Lean Production Methods. Acta Cytol 2004;48:705-706
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Clary KM, Zaleski MS, Cohen MB, Silverman JF, Raab SS. Comparison of Pathology Errors Across Two Institutions. Mod Pathol 2002; 15: 332A
Analytical Contributions Acknowledged in the Following Publications:
- Pantanowitz L, Harrington S. Experience reviewing digital pap tests using a gallery of images. Journal of Pathology Informatics. 2021; 12(1): 7.
- Pantanowitz L, Wu U, Seigh L, LoPresti E, Yeh FC, Salgia P, Michelow P, Hazelhurst S, Chen WY, Hartman D, Yeh CY. Artificial Intelligence-Based Screening for Mycobacteria in Whole-Slide Images of Tissue Samples. AJCP. 2021: aquaa215, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcp/aqaa215
- Martínez-Girón R, Pantanowitz L. Corpora amylacea in sputum smears: Incidence and clinical significance. Cytopathology. 2021; 32(1): 108-114.
- Upadhyay Baskota S, Monaco SE, Xing J, Pantanowitz L. Peritheliomatous pattern: A diagnostic clue for diagnosing metastatic melanoma in cytology. Cancer Cytopathology. 2020; 128(4): 260-268.
- Martínez-Girón R, van Woerden HC, Pantanowitz L. Hematoidin crystals in sputum smears: Cytopathology and clinical associations. Ann Thorac Med. 2020; 15: 155-162.
- Baskota SU, Wiley C, Pantanowitz L. The next generation robotic microscopy for intraoperative teleneuropathology consultation. Journal of Pathology Informatics. 2020; 11.
- Pantanowitz L, Hartman D, Qi Y, Cho EY, Suh B, Paeng K, Dhir R, Michelow P, Hazelhurst S, Song SY, Cho SY. Accuracy and efficiency of an artificial intelligence tool when counting breast mitoses. Diagnostic Pathology. 2020; 15(1); 1-10.
- Satturwar SP, Pantanowitz JL, Manko CD, Seigh L, Monaco SE, Pantanowitz LX. Ki-67 Proliferation Index in Neuroendocrine Tumors: Can Augmented Reality Microscopy with Image Analysis Improve Scoring? Cancer Cytopathology. 2020; 128(8): 1-10.
- Hartman DJ, Ahmad F, Ferris RL, Rimm DL, Pantanowitz L. Utility of CD8 score by automated quantitative image analysis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Oncology. 2018; 86, 278-287.
- Hanna MG, Monaco SE, Cuda J, Xing J, Ahmed I, Pantanowitz L. Comparison of glass slides and various digital-slide modalities for cytopathology screening and interpretation. Cancer Cytopathology. 2017; 125(9): 701-709
- Raab SS, Andrew-JaJa C, Condel JL, Dabbs DJ. Improving Papanicolaou Test Quality and Reducing Medical Errors by Using Toyota Production System Methods. Am J Obstet and Gynecol. 2006; 194: 57-64
- Willis HH, DeKay ML, Fischhoff B, Morgan MG. Aggregate, Disaggregate, and Hybrid Analysis of Ecological Risk Perceptions. Risk Analysis, 2005; 25: 405-428
- Willis HH, DeKay ML, Morgan MG, Florig HK, Fischbeck PS. Ecological Risk Ranking: Development and Evaluation of Method for Improving Public Participation in Environmental Decision Making. Risk Analysis, 2004; 24(2): 363-378
Guest lecturer: Healthcare Data Analytics: the role of “small” data. Department of Business Administration, Northeastern University of Oklahoma, October 2019.
Director of Panel Luncheon “Cognitive Error, Decision Making, and Tools to Improve Cytopathology Diagnoses” at the American Society of Cytopathology 56th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 9, 2008.
Poster Presentations
March 4, 2008, 97th Annual United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Meeting, Denver, CO:
- Vrbin CM, Balassanian R, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. The Value of Double Viewing Urine Cytology Specimens
- Balassanian R, Sauder KJ, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Review of False Negative UroVysion™ Test on Cytologically Atypical Urine Samples
- Raab SS, Geisinger KR, Wojcik EM, Parwani AV, Jensen C, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM. Effect of Double Viewing Needle Core Prostate Biopsy Tissues on Error Reduction
October 23, 2007, 29th Annual Society for Medical Decision Making Conference, Pittsburgh, PA:
- Vrbin C, Gonzalez C. Probability Learning in a Dynamic Simulated Medical Diagnosis Task
- Vrbin C, Grzybicki DM, Stone CH, Wojcik EM, Geisinger KR, Dahmoish L, Garcia FU, Oweity T, Raab SS. Use of a “No Blame Box” as a Decision Aid for Cause of Diagnostic Errors
June 4, 2007, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL:
- Vrbin CM, Andrew-JaJa C, Grzybicki DM, Carter G, Raab SS. Dissemination of Toyota Methods to Improve Quality and Patient Safety in Cervical Cancer Screening
- Grzybicki DM, Raab SS, Sudilovsky D, Balassanian R, Janosky JE, Vrbin CM. Redesigning Clinical and Lab Processes to Improve Thyroid Gland Diagnostic Testing
March 27, 2007, 96th Annual United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Meeting, San Diego, CA:
- Vrbin CM, Andrew-JaJa C, Grzybicki DM, Condel JL, Carter G, Raab SS. Dissemination of Toyota Methods to Improve Quality and Patient Safety in Pap Testing
- Geisinger KR, Vrbin CM, Wagner P, Grzybicki DM, Garvin AJ, Raab SS. Interobserver Variability (IOV) in HPV Test Results in Pap Tests Interpreted as Atypical Squamous Cells (ASC)
- Parwani AV, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Types of Frozen Section Errors and Deferral Rates in a Sub-Specialty Based Academic Surgical Pathologic Practice
- Parwani AV, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Dhir R. Prospective Peer Review of Diagnostic Prostate Biopsies as a Tool for Error Reduction in a Sub-Specialty Based Practice
- Balassanian R, Dhir R, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Parwani AV. Utility of UroVysion in the Setting of Atypical Urine Cytology
- Meier FA, Varney RC, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Zarbo RJ. Inter-Institutional Agreement in the Application of a Taxonomy Classifying Two Types of Pathology Error
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Geisinger KR. Impact of Urine Cytology Errors on Patient Care
- LeMaster CL, Dahmoush L, Zaleski MS, Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Jensen CS. The Impact of Endocervical Cytologic Sampling (Endopap) on Cytologic-Histologic Correlation (CHC) Error Rates
- Dhir R, Parwani AV, Balassanian R, Bastacky S, Hrebinko R, Franks M, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Comparison of UroVysion Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) and Conventional Cytology in Evaluation for Recurrent Bladder Cancer
- Dhir R, Parwani AV, Balassanian R, Bastacky S, Hrebinko R, Franks M, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Role of UroVysion Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) in the Evaluation of Atypical Urine Cytology from Patients under Surveillance for Recurrent Bladder Cancer
October 24, 2006, 28th Annual Society for Medical Decision Making Conference, Boston, MA:
- Gonzalez C, Thomas R, Lim J, Vrbin C, Madhavan P. MEDIC: A Tool to Study Physicians’ Cognition and Decision Making in Medical Diagnosis
September 12, 2006, 2006 College of American Pathologists (CAP) Meeting, San Diego, CA:
- Balassanian R, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Pathology Errors Detected through Clinical-Pathologic Conferences
June 5-6, 2006, Fifth Annual Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Meeting, Washington, DC:
- Vrbin CM, Raab SS, Sudilovsky D, Balassanian R. The Effectiveness of Diagnostic Criteria in Thyroid Gland Fine Needle Aspiration
June 6-8, 2005, Fourth Annual Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Meeting, Washington, DC:
- Vrbin CM, Sudilovsky D, Balassanian R, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. Development of a Diagnostic Classification System for Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspirations to Reduce False Negative Frequency
- Bruno S III, Vrbin CM, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. Use of Clinical Impact Information About Urine Cytology False Negative Diagnoses to Target this Error for Root Cause Analysis and Error Reduction Strategies
- Raab SS, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Pirain D. The Impact of Gynecologic Pathology Diagnostic Errors on Patient Care
April 28, 2005, First Annual Institute for Quality in Laboratory Medicine (IQLM) Conference, Atlanta, GA:
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Zaleski MS. Variability in Cytologic-Histologic Correlation Practices and Implications on Patient Safety
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Pirain D, Raab, SS. The Impact of Gynecologic Pathology Diagnostic Errors on Patient Care
- Raab SS, Andrew-JaJa C, Condel JL, Vrbin CM. Root Cause Analysis for Pap Test Diagnostic Errors Due to Sampling Using A Lean Production System Improves Specimen Quality
- Meier FA, Varney R, Kini SA, Gaba AR, Stone CH, Schultz DS, Klimowicz A, Bansal M, Vrbin C, Zarbo RJ. Interobserver Variability in the Interpretation of Routine Gynecologic Specimens within a Large Practice
September 28-29, 2004, Third Annual Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Meeting, Arlington, VA:
- Pirain D, Grzybicki DM, Varney R, Smith A, Raab SS. The Impact of Gynecologic Pathology Diagnostic Errors on Patient Care
- Pirain DD, Vrbin CM, Raab SS. Development of Telepathology Methods to Improve Patient Safety
- Condel JL, Grzybicki DM, Vrbin CM, Andrew-JaJa C, Dabbs D, Mauser N, Raab SS. Root Cause Analysis for Pap Test Diagnostic Errors Due to Sampling: Bridging the Gap Between Pathology and Clinical Practice
June 8, 2004, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA:
- Grzybicki DM, Vrbin-Turcsanyi CM, Janosky J, Raab SS. Examining Pathology Errors to Improve Patient Safety: Pathologists Don’t Agree on the Identification of Errors due to Pathologist Misinterpretation